Houston has had a lot of stadiums they’ve called home pre-merger. For the XFL-Roughnecks, it was always TDECU Stadium, home of the Houston Cougars. It was here the June Jones and Wade Phillips powerhouse teams went 12-3 across the league’s two seasons.

TDECU Stadium, Houston, Texas.

For the USFL-Gamblers, it took them a bit more time to find a place they called home. In the USFL’s initial season, all 8 teams spent their time bouncing between Protective Stadium and Legion Stadium. Looking to break away from Birmingham in the 2023 season, they found a new home. Simmons Bank Liberty Stadium in….Memphis Tennesee.

 Simmons Bank Liberty Stadium, Memphis, Tennessee.

Thankfully post-merger the UFL Houston Roughnecks retained the rights for TDECU Stadium so that they could stay in Houston. However, TDECU Stadium looks to renovate in the new year which means the Roughnecks could be on the move again. With the Roughnecks looking for a new fresh look, for a new fresh league, the Roughnecks look to Rice Stadium.

Rice Stadium is located in Houston and has a capacity of 47,000. That’s 7,000 more than TDECU’s 40,000 (not including Standing Room). Every stadium the team has played on previously has been turf so Rice Stadium won’t be too much of a change.

While no deal has been finalized by the league, as no stadiums have been announced, making a change seems imminent for the Roughnecks. Thankfully for Roughneck fans, the UFL will still allow you to purchase tickets, regardless of where they play in the 2024 season.

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Melony Sheridan Freelance Journalist
Melony got her start recording the stats for the inagrial season of the Fan Controlled Football league. After covering FCF, she joined the NewHub family in 2021 covering The Spring League and the Ottawa Redblacks. She ended up working for the FCF as well. From interviewing pro players to representing semi-pro players, Melony has had a hand across multiple leagues and organizations. Leagues included FCF, WFA, XFL, USFL, CFL, NAL, and CIF. Melony got her start in Football, recording the stats for the inaugural season of the Fan Controlled Football League. After covering FCF, she joined the NewsHub family in 2021 covering The Spring League and the Ottawa Redblacks. She ended up working for the FCF as well in 2022. From interviewing pro players to representing semi-pro players, Melony has had a hand across multiple leagues and organizations. Leagues included FCF, WFA, XFL, USFL, CFL, NAL, and CIF.

1 Comment

  • Posted January 6, 2024 10:58 am 0Likes
    by 4th&long

    The UFL most likely has Rice already signed up. They announced all teams will be paying IN MARKET. I don’t see them stating that without a stadium locked up. It may not hav ebeen annouced yet its got to be done deal what ever the stadium is.

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